We have been led to believe that good health can be found at the pharmacy or in the supplement aisle. When we experience aches and pains, fatigue or lack of sleep, we head to our doctor who generally ends up prescribing a pill to help combat each symptom, often without searching for the root cause. Rarely do health care practitioners ask about the most important player in good health, the foods we choose to eat, day in and day out.
In 2008 the United Nations’ World Health Organization announced that chronic conditions like heart disease and stroke are now the leading cause of death, surpassing infectious disease as the number one killer around the world. The great news is, we have control over chronic conditions since they are diseases caused primarily by lifestyle choices including what we eat and drink, how we move and exercise, manage stress and sleep. Foods can be a panacea or poison. Every time we eat a meal or snack, we have the power to create health or disease. Good health is not just the absence of disease. It is when we feel vibrant, have a spring in our step and are brimming with energy.
For years we have been taught that food is merely “fuel” or simply just calories whose chemical bonds are broken to create the energy of life, ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Our bodies have been likened to basic machines with the equation of calories in = calories out to maintain a healthy weight. This is incredibly simplistic since the human body is a complex, dynamic and ever-changing system where food provides complex information to the body that determines how well you feel physically, mentally and emotionally.
When we eat food, we are supplying energy and are also delivering messages that tell cells to do this and not that; release this hormone but not that one; express this gene and turn off another one. Each molecule of food triggers a cascade of events that send signals throughout our bodies, balancing hormones, igniting immune cells and switching genes on and off, building and destroying cells.
The bottom line is if you are serious about optimizing your health and increasing energy levels, one of the most important places to start is with the food at the end of your fork. A clean whole foods diet is the cornerstone for successful aging. You have the power to choose between health or disease with each bite.
Aging with better balance, more confidence, greater health and energy doesn’t have to be difficult! If you are struggling you can schedule a free call to learn about the ways I can help you out!
Cate Reade, MS, RD, CES is a registered dietitian and exercise physiologist with over 35 years of experience teaching, writing and prescribing healthy eating and exercise programs. She is the creator of the MoveMor® Mobility Trainer and exercise programming who has helped hundreds of people get back on steadier, stronger feet, faster. Contact Cate at 303.515.7070 or
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Disclaimer: The information on this site, including text, graphics, images, and other material, is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your specific condition.
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