The start of the new year provides us time to pause and reflect on what went well and what we want to improve upon. Health is always at the top of my list for two reasons: first because I walk the talk as a nutritionist and exercise physiologist; secondly and more profoundly, it’s because I lost my health for a few years to chronic Lyme disease and recovered it.
Anyone who has experienced a chronic or disabling condition knows wholeheartedly and bone deep that health is your most precious asset. As the saying goes, “A healthy person has a thousand wishes, a sick person only one.” When you’ve lost your health and vitality, you want it back more than anything else on earth.
Living with physical, mental and/or emotional pain drains the life energy out of you. Your world gets smaller. You engage less. Depression sets in. You may lose hope and toss in the towel, simply accepting that further decline is inevitable. Or you can love yourself enough to take small, sustainable steps towards improving your health.
If you look at all the changes you need to make, you can become overwhelmed and not know where to start. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. But before you take that first bite, ask yourself, “Why do I want to eat that elephant?”
Regardless of your age or health challenges, we now know that small, gradual lifestyle changes are the foundation of health. What would happen to your home if it was built on a foundation made from sand? It wouldn’t be able to stand the test of time and the same goes for our health. The quality of how we choose to eat, move, drink, think, sleep and socialize each day all come together to create or break our health little by little.
Before you start looking at making lifestyle changes ask “Why?” “Why do I want good health? Why is good health important to me?” Ask yourself “why” 3-7 times or until you can attach your answer to something meaningful or emotional. For instance, when I was at my lowest point with Lyme, I took off from work for over a year because my mental health was failing. I was tired of life.
Each day was a struggle, but I turned a corner mentally and physically when I asked myself, “Why is it important for me to restore my health?” After asking “why” five times, I found my answer: I wanted to be there for my kids and husband. It was because of love. So every day when I didn’t feel like walking or drinking that glass of lemon water, I did it anyway. My “why” sustained and motivated me to persevere.
Asking yourself “why” helps you to drill down, understand and connect to your “why.” It’s the key to achieving lasting and sustainable changes.
Let’s use weight loss as an example, since it's a common New Year’s resolution.
Making this connection can drive your behaviors and sustain your lifestyle choices over the long haul.
Despite what we see on TV, losing weight isn’t just about looking better. It’s about feeling better and preserving independence, which is much more meaningful and profound.
Recognizing that health is a vehicle to connect with all the people and activities that give us meaning, we can intentionally make choices that are compatible with our goals. My “why,” being there for my family, motivated me even when I didn’t feel like eating vegetables, exercising, going to bed on time, thinking positively or reaching out to friends.
Each day we face a myriad of daily choices that move us closer to or further away from vitality and longevity. Consider and choose the ones that move you closer to achieving your “why.”
Get started today, pull out a piece of paper, ask yourself and determine your “why.” Write it down, place a sticky note on your bathroom mirror. Start a journal about why your health is important to you. Then pause and celebrate acting on the first step towards making lasting change and building sustainable habits for life.
Be kind to yourself
along the way. Each day embrace that you are doing your best. Note the positive changes you are making and how you are feeling. As your energy levels gradually increase, so will your motivation. Understand that health, vitality and longevity are lifelong endeavors, and you are worth it.
Let’s talk! I am offering balance training and lifestyle coaching services virtually and in-person starting in March 2025. In the interim, please email me at, share your goals, immediate concerns and contact information. I can’t wait to talk with you and design your blueprint to age powerfully.
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Disclaimer: The information on this site, including text, graphics, images, and other material, is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your specific condition.
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